Homecoming is next week!! Show your school spirit and participate in the dress-up days for Homecoming!!
Monday: Decades Day
7th grade--2030
8th grade--2000s
9th grade--90's Grunge
10th grade--70's
11th grade--80's
12th grade--20's
Tuesday: Favorite Book/Character Day
Wednesday: Class Colors Day
7th grade--Green
8th grade--Yellow
9th grade--Black
10th grade--Blue
11th grade--Pink
12th grade--Purple
Thursday: Holidays Day
7th & 8th grades--St. Patrick's Day
9th grade--Valentine's Day
10th grade--Halloween
11th grade--Christmas
12th grade--4th of July
Friday: Bruin Spirit Day
Homecoming Week August 30th-September 3rd
August 26, 2021