Are you ready to show your spirit, learn new skills, and be part of a team? Then sign up for cheerleading tryouts! We're looking for enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to join our junior high and high school cheerleading squads! Tryouts packets can be picked up from Mrs. Eldridge's room for grades 9-11, Mrs. Lee's room for 8th graders, and Mrs. Capper's room for 7th graders.

Seniors planning on attending higher ed and majoring in education can apply for the BFT Scholarship. Applications can be sent as a hard copy or digitally to Mrs. McDonald (smcdonald@blackfordschools.org) on or before April 4, 2025. Pick up an application from Guidance.

Digital Tickets are on Sale Now!
Tuesday Night (3/4)
Friday Night (3/7)
Saturday Night (3/8)

The Jay Co. Amateur Radio Scholarship application is due on Friday, February 28. It is for seniors interested in radio, radio technology, repair, communications, newspapers, or journalism. For more details, please see Ms. Solga in Guidance.

Indoor track mandatory practices will start on Monday, March 3rd. They will meet after school in Mr. Cochrane's room, 226.

There will be a parent meeting for 8th graders going on the Washington DC trip tonight at 6 pm in the cafeteria.

High school schedule requests are due this Friday! Please turn them in to the guidance as soon as possible! See your counselor if you have any questions.

It is almost spring ladies!! Join Coach Lyons for softball workouts starting next week in the Sutton Center @3:30! Scheduled workouts dates: Monday Feb 17 Monday Feb 24 We need more players so bring your friends and have fun!

Next week is FFA Week (2/16th-2/21). Here are the dress-up days & activities for the week:
M--Cowboy/Western Day
T--Brands Day/Truck Contest
W--Camo/Petting Zoo at Lunch
Th--Blue & Gold Day/Find an FFA Emblem for Prize
F--American (red, white, and blue)/Drive Tractor to School

Hey, Seniors: Do you need help filing for FASFA? Representatives will be in room 104 on Wednesday from 3 to 6 p.m. See Mrs. Shockey or Mrs. Solga for more information!

Congratulations 8th grade girls! CIC tournament champs!!

Congratulations to the 7th grade Boys Basketball CIC Champions! Thank you cheerleaders for cheering the Bruins on to a victory on an early Saturday morning!!

The FFA Chicken Noodle Dinner will be held on February 1st, from 4-7 pm before the basketball game. See a FFA member if you would like to purchase a ticket. Tickets will also be sold at the door until sold out.
Whole Order: $10
Half Order: $5

BJSHS is hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday (1/30) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the auxiliary gym.

Join in the fun of Spirit Week (1/27-1/31)!!

The 8th grade parent meeting tonight is still on! The administrators and counselors will be giving information regarding the new diploma track for our present 8th grade students. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria beginning at 6pm.

Bringing awareness to the students at BJSHS with a convocation regarding exploiting and trafficking children. Thank you Azariah Keyes for bringing Mr Davis from Destiny Rescue to BJSHS!

The high school Drama Club will have a call-out meeting in the Studio Theater on Thursday, January 16th, at 3:30 to discuss the spring production. Anyone interested in acting or working behind the scenes is encouraged to attend this brief meeting.

There will be a livestock judging meeting after school today (1/15). If you have any questions, contact Mr. Marshall in room 230.

The high school Drama Club will have a call-out meeting in the Studio Theater on Thursday, January 16th, at 3:30 to discuss the spring production. Anyone interested in acting or working behind the scenes is encouraged to attend this brief meeting.