This is a reminder that a representative from Ivy Tech will be here tomorrow (3/30) during PEAK to meet with those Juniors/Seniors interested. Be sure to sign up in Guidance to attend this meeting.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
Ivy Tech Logo
Check out what's happening in Mr. Rich Uggen's Manufacturing class at BJSHS. #BetterAtBlackford
almost 2 years ago, Beth Jones
Two boys work on project in manufacturing class
Seniors attending college for an education degree can apply for the BFT Scholarship. Applicants should pick up a form in the Guidance Office or email Mrs. McDonald at Completed forms must be returned to Guidance by Thursday, April 6th.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
A representative from Ivy Tech will be here on Thursday (3/30) during PEAK. Sign up in Guidance if you'd like to attend this meeting.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
Ivy Tech Logo
The Blackford County School Board took the show on the road last night to the Blackford Jr.-Sr. High School for the March meeting. Board members toured the recently renovated art rooms, choir room and greenhouse. #BetterAtBlackford
almost 2 years ago, Beth Jones
Karen Mealy addresses the school board
Chad Yencer takes school board members on a tour of the recently renovated art rooms
Shelbi Blankenbaker and Nathan Elliot explain some of the features of the new greenhouse
(2/2) More detailed information will be provided later. To check out the provider, look on Facebook under PublicVet. Financial assistance is available, so please do not let cost be a barrier. Feral cats are accepted! Please help us spread the word - our goal is 160-180 cats!!!
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(1/2) The HOSA students will host a low-cost cat spay/neuter clinic at the high school on Saturday, May 6th. Basic veterinary care is also available Cats must be dropped off in a carrier in the morning and will be picked up that evening.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
There will be NO Art Club meeting today after school!
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
The JH dance has been canceled today due to a lack of ticket sales.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
Hey, JH students!! We need more students to sign up for the dance on Fri. If we don't have enough students attending, the dance will be canceled (all money will be refunded). Be sure to stop by the library & see Ms. Bartlett for your tickets before the end of JH lunch on Fri!
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(2 of 2) There will be an opening reception Wednesday, March 15, from 5:30-7:30, with members of the Jazz Band performing at 6:30. The show will be on display from Monday, March 13 - April 20. Please see Mrs. Walter if you have questions.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(1 of 2) The annual Area Student Show is coming up at the Blackford County Arts Center, featuring art from Blackford Jr/Sr High students and Southern Wells Jr/Sr High students.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
Art Show Poster
Wonderful performance by the JH Bands tonight! Very proud of all of you! Thank you Mr Berlin for the leadership in our band program!
almost 2 years ago, Kelli Ruble
Please help us spread the word.
almost 2 years ago, Beth Jones
Science teacher advert
We sure could use your help! Currently, the BJSHS FFA and NHS are fundraising to help buy meals to share with our students during Spring Break (March 17-24). The $3300 goal and students are well on their way to the $6600 goal. Please consider donating to this great cause!
almost 2 years ago, Beth Jones
BJSHS Meal Packing Chart
There will be a JH Neon Dance on Friday from 3:30-5:00 pm after school. Food and fun will be included!! Tickets are on sale for $3.00. See Ms. Bartlett in the library to purchase your tickets. Be sure to wear your neon to school on that Friday!!
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(3 of 3) If interested, contact Coach Uggen at and get your physical and update Finalforms by Friday so you can start practice next week. See Mrs. Musselman in the Athletic Office for info about the physical and Finalforms.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(2 of 3) If you join, you will get a lot of playing time as there would be 10-12 at most on the team. We could use a player with catching experience to ensure even more playing time. I
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
(1 of 3) Bruin Baseball is looking for a couple-three more players to ensure we have a JV team this year. We are looking for players in grades 9-10. Prior playing experience helps, but not necessary if you have some athletic ability.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett
All 7th and 8th-grade students who sold the World's Finest Chocolate candy bars must return their money to Mrs. Sargent in the Health Office ASAP.
almost 2 years ago, April Bartlett