(2/3) If you are interested in participating, see Coach Sehy or Coach Shockey for more information. Please note that Coach Osborn is currently running conditioning sessions after school most days. These are optional and anyone in JH or HS track may attend.
(1/3) To all those interested in participating in Track (Boy’s and Girl’s): Official track practice will begin Mon., March 7th. Practice will run from 3:30-5 pm most days. Our first track meet is Tues., April 5th @Jay County.
We have a lot of things coming up this week for FFA week.
Students - will be judged all week on who dresses up the best. Prizes given for the best dressed!
Monday- Dress up like a Farmer
Tuesday- Dress up like a Senior Citizen
Wednesday- Dress up in College gear
Thursday- Dress up like you are Going Fishing ( NO Hooks or sharp objects)
Friday- Dress up in your Blue and Gold
Have fun dressing up this week to support FFA!
Hey Bruins!
The Student Council Winter Block Party that was scheduled for tonight at BJSHS has been canceled. Students who purchased tickets for the event will receive a refund next week.
Due to the weather and school moving to an elearning day today, the Winter Block party that was scheduled for today for both JH and HS students has been cancelled. If you purchased a ticket, refunds will be given out next week
The Best Buddies meeting scheduled for today has been canceled.
Due to possible bad weather later today for some schools participating in the Jay County Swim Sectional, the sectional is being moved to tomorrow (Friday) night. It will still begin at 5:30pm.
Good luck Bruins!
Due to the threat of ice starting around 6pm, we are cancelling all activities tonight except for boys swim practice from 3:30-4:15pm and JV/V boys basketball practice from 3:30-5pm.
(2/2) Tickets are $5/person & will be sold during lunch mods on 2/16 and 2/17. The junior high session runs from 3:30 - 5:30 pm and the high school session runs from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
(1/2) Where can you find dancing, music, games, video gaming, food, and friends all in one location? The Winter Block Party sponsored by the BHS Student Council & BJHS Honor Society. Located in the BJSHS Main Gym on Friday, 2/18/22.
Best Buddies will meet TODAY from 3:15-4:30 in room 131. Hope to see you there!
Blackford County Schools seeks an Athletic Director for the 2022-2023 school year. Check out the latest job postings and join us!
The 6th Annual Blackford FFA Chicken Noodle Dinner made by Franny will be held on Saturday, Feb. 19th, from 4-7 pm (drive-thru only) at the Elks. Tickets at the door are $5 for a half order and $10 for a full order
(4/4) (Must have permission slip from Mrs. Goodspeed); Bru Cru Bash--Sponsored by FFA from 3-5:45 pm w/games, food, inflatables (jr high students are included in activity). A Google Form to sign up will be sent out.
F--Dress up in Blue & Gold
(3/4) T--Dress up like a senior citizen--Dirtiest/cleanest truck contest judged in parking lot.
W--Dress up for college
TH--Dress up like gone fishing (NO hooks/sharp objects)--Find a worm (fake) and bring it to Ms. Louck for prizes; drive tractor to school day.
(2/4) Students will be judged all week on who dresses up the best for the top 10 prizes. Here are the themes for dressing up:
M--Dress up like a Farmer--Pigs will be hidden around the school for students to find for prizes & bring them to bring to Miss Loucks room 142.
(1/4) FFA Week starts next Monday! All week we will have trivia on announcements & mini-contests in the lounge for staff. Don't forget about our teacher prizes for the contests & teachers who show the most FFA support during the week.
Even though students were out today, lessons continued for our BCS teachers, who gathered for a professional development presentation from Asst. Supt. David Parker.
We appreciate our compassionate educators dedicated to improving outcomes for all of our students!
BJSHS had 4 students go to Vocal Solo and Ensemble this past weekend (6 were registered, but due to health/weather were unable to make it). Our Bruins took home 3 Golds and 1 Silver ranking.
Freshman Cate Wolfe performed "The Lass from the Low Country" by Duke. She received a gold in Group 1 and will be competing in the State Solo and Ensemble contests this Saturday at Perry Meridian High School.
Way to go, Cate!
Joining Cate at contests were: 7th grader Kayla Cavanaugh, who received a silver medal in Group 3 for her performance of "Homeward Bound," 7th grader Ashlynn Thomas, who received a gold in Group 3 for her performance of "Reflection," and 7th grader Kami Fields performing "Part of Your World."
We are proud of all of our outstanding singers!
(From left Wolfe, Cavanaugh, lower left Thomas, and Fields)
Team and individual picture day for junior high swimmers and wrestlers will be on Wednesday, February 16th, from 3:30 to 4:15 pm.