The Advanced Manufacturing class sells cutting boards for $15.00. The boards are 100% American-made and manufactured, with a lifetime guarantee. All proceeds go towards helping the class. See any Advanced Manufacturing student put in your order NOW!!
Here is Thursday's Christmas Trivia Question: Finish the following sentence from the movie, "Elf": "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is…" The answer to Wednesday's question was Oklahoma, and the daily winner was Thomas Bolling.
Here is Wednesday's Christmas Trivia Question: Which US state was the last to declare Christmas a legal holiday? The answer to Tuesday's question was Oogie Boogie, and the daily winner was Maddelynn Schmuck.
(2 of 2) See Olivia Waters, Olivia Leas, Una Bowman, Jenna Mahorney, Ms. Shockey or Ms. Leaird if you would like to buy a chocolate bar.
(1 of 2) The junior class officers are selling World's Finest Chocolate Bars for $1! All funds raised go to this year's prom. Chocolate bars will be sold during lunch every day until Christmas Break.
The Spanish Club will have a Christmas-themed meeting TODAY in Mrs. Hudson's room (202) after school until 4:15. Hope to see you there!
There will be a Catch-Up Cafe on TODAY, from 3:15-4:15 pm, in the BJSHS Library. ALL students are welcome to attend the session.
**Mrs. Ruble suggests jr. high students meet with their own teachers for help.**
Here is Tuesday's Christmas Trivia Question: What's the name of the main villain in "The Nightmare Before Christmas"? The answer to Monday's question was Cupid, and the daily winner was Madilynn Ford.
The Jr. High Chess Club will meet TODAY in room 120, from 3:15-4:00. If you do not know how to play, we would be happy to teach you. Remember that you must be picked up by a parent/guardian at Door 2 at 4 pm.
Order forms to purchase a Bru-Cru t-shirt are due TODAY by noon, and should be dropped off to the front office. Shirts are $10 each.
The enrollment for the PlayVS open league Fortnite event ends TODAY. Enroll for free at
A reminder to students participating in the Blood Drive TODAY--If you are under 17 years old, you MUST bring your parent/guardian consent form with you or you will not be allowed to donate!
Monday's Christmas Trivia Question: Which one of Santa's reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?
A reminder that the Blackford Bru-Cru is selling t-shirts for $10. Order forms are available in the front office and must be turned in by Dec. 7th.
Fortnite players wanting to play in the PlayVS open league event can enroll for free at for their Dec. league. Enrollment ends on 12/7.
A reminder to students participating in the Blood Drive tomorrow (12/7): If you are under 17 yo, you MUST bring your parent/guardian consent form with you or you will NOT be allowed to donate.
Don't forget our Jostens rep. will be here TODAY during PEAK to speak to the Freshmen and Senior classes. Please bring a pen or pencil with you to the presentation.
A reminder to students participating in the blood drive on Tues., Dec. 7th--If you are under 17 years old, you MUST bring your parent/guardian consent form with you, or you will not be allowed to donate!!
No varsity swim practice after school TODAY!!
There will be a Catch-Up Cafe on Wednesday, Dec. 8th, from 3:15-4:15 pm, in the BJSHS Library. ALL students are welcome to attend the session. Mrs. Ruble recommends jr high students work with their own teachers.
Congratulations to Braydon Bennett-Walter for his big win in round 1 of the PlayVS Madden playoffs. He moves to the semi-final round tonight!