Our BJSHS CNA class recently completed their clinicals. On Thursday, they celebrated their time with a "family" lunch and some precious moments with the residents of The Waters of Hartford City.
Thank you to the residents, the families of these residents, and The Waters staff for welcoming us to your home. The students learned so much, and built some very special bonds!
Don't forget to bring your appetite to the Rotary Club's Tenderloin Dinner before Friday's game against Oak Hill. Every meal purchased helps raise money for vital community outreach projects by the Rotary.
(2/2) For every student that turns in their permission slip prior to Peak on Thurs. 2/9/23 you will be entered into a prize drawing.
Permission slips are to be turned into Mrs. Sargent in the health office.
(1/2) All 7th and 8th grade students will be selling World's Finest Chocolate candy bars again. Permission slips are available from Mr. Dawson or Mr. Leavitt and must be turned in before you are able to sell. Each box is 60 candy bars for $1.00 each.
The Future Bruin Baseball Clinic begins TODAY and runs 5 consecutive Mon through March 6th. The cost is $5 a night or $20 for all 5 nights. Please complete and bring the form to the first clinic you attend. Forms can also be picked up at both elementary schools or BJSHS offices.
The following meetings will be held during PEAK on 2/9:
Best Buddies--Mrs. Wallace, Rm 131
JH Robot Club--Mrs. Gallatin, Rm 100
FFA--Mrs. Blankenbaker, Rm 142
There will be an open gym TODAY for all high school and junior high volleyball players from 3:30-5:30, in Aux Gym.
Feed your Bruin Spirit with a Pre-Game Tenderloin Meal before the game!!
Come out and support your Lady Bruins during the Girls Sectional this week!!
The Future Bruin Baseball Clinic begins 2/6 and runs 5 consecutive Mondays through 3/6. The cost is $5/night or $20/all 5 nights. Please complete and bring the form to the first clinic you attend. Forms can also be picked up at both elementary schools or BJSHS offices.
There will be an open gym for all HS/JH volleyball players from 3:30-5:30 on Thurs., Feb. 2nd, in the Aux Gym. Information is also avail. on the Blackford Bruins Volleyball page.
The Blackford High School Community Blood Drive will be on Tuesday, Jan. 24th, from 9 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 6:30 pm, inside BHS. Click the link to sign up for the blood drive: https://donate.indiana.versiti.org/donor/emailprefs/click/c58107407b68703fed76f20e20285cd4/435e200b
It's Spirit Week at BJSHS!! Tuesday's dress-up theme is Failed New Years' Resolutions (basically like a white lie). Wednesday it's Anything But a Backpack (must be NON-LIVING and no bigger than 2 ft by 4 ft. Thursday is Decades Day; Friday is Bruin Pride Day!!
HOSA is having Blood Drive on Tues. 1/24 from 9 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 6:30 pm. Click the link to sign up for the blood drive.
(2/2) Thurs--Decades Day (Seniors-1990s, Juniors 2000s, Sophomores 1920s, Freshman 1970s, JH 1980s)
Friday--Bruin Pride Day
Show your Bruin Spirit and join in the fun next week!!
(1/2) Don't forget next week is Spirit Week at BJSHS!! The overall theme is LET IT GLOW!! Here is the schedule for dress up days:
Tues--Failed New Year's Resolutions (White Lies)
Wed--Anything But a Backpack (must be NON-LIVING and no bigger than 2ft by 4ft)
A reminder that parents MUST call Transportation Coordinator, Shannon Bannister, every Monday to sign their students up for the Montpelier Activity Bus. If no one signs up, the bus will not run. Call 765-348-7554 for more information.
JH mandatory swim practices will start on Monday 1/23, from 6-7:30 pm. There will be a parent meeting at 7:15.
There will be an open gym today from 5:30-7:30, in the Sutton Center for all HS/JH volleyball players.