There will be open gym for all JH/HS volleyball players. This information is also available on the Blackford Bruins Volleyball page.
5:30-7:30 on Friday, January 20th-Sutton Center.
4:30-6:30 on Wednesday, January 25th-Aux Gym.
3:30-5:30 on Thursday, February 2nd--Aux Gym.
Please help our BJSHS HOSA students with their scholarship drive. They are just 63 units away from the $1,200 scholarship, with 2 blood drives left to help meet that goal! If they can collect 113 more units, then they can get a $1,750 scholarship! Use the QR code to sign up!
JH Swim Team optional practices continue this week: Monday 1/16 and Wednesday 1/18, from 6-7:30 pm. Mandatory swim practices start Monday 1/23, from 6-7:30 pm, with a parent meeting at 7:15 pm.
Hey, Bruins!
Our BJSHS United Sports Winter Apparel Store is now open until Jan. 27. Money raised will go towards new team uniforms and the fee needed to maintain BJSHS as a Champion School. Please support these outstanding student athletes! 👇
JH Swim Team will have optional practice today (1/12) from 6-7:30 pm. There will also be practices on Monday (1/16) and Wednesday (1/18). Mandatory swim practices start on Monday, Jan. 23rd from 6-7:30, with a parent meeting at 7:15.
For HS and JH baseball players: There is a limited contact practice TODAY from 7:30-9:15 pm, in the Sutton Center. We will be doing baseline testing for Rapsodo. If you did not attend practice on Wednesday, plan to attend this one.
Don't forget: Starting tomorrow (January 12th), the JH Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet during lunch in the library for food, fellowship, and food for thought.
Spring traveling soccer registrations for grades 6-8 have opened!
There will be a JH Student Council meeting during PEAK on Thursday in the library. All students who responded to the Google Form before break should plan to attend. See Ms. Bartlett if you have any questions.
JH Swim begins with optional practice on the following dates from 6-7:30pm:
Mon Jan 9
Thur Jan 12
Mon Jan 16
Wed Jan 18
Mandatory practices begin Jan 23 from 6-730pm. Parent meeting will be held at 7:15pm.
JH Swim Team optional practice begins this week:
Monday Jan. 9 and Thursday Jan. 12
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Monday Jan. 16 and Wednesday Jan. 18
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Mandatory swim practices start Monday Jan. 23
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Parent meeting at 7:15
Don't forget: Starting this Thursday (January 12th), the JH Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet during lunch in the library for food, fellowship, and food for thought.
For high school and junior high baseball players, limited contact practices this week are Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30-9:15 pm in the Sutton Center. We will be doing baseline testing for Rapsodo, so try to get to at least one of those days.
The BCS 2023-2024 Calendar was recently approved by the school board.
Please note that during the 2023-2024 school year there are several two-hour delays built into the calendar to allow for staff professional development.
Starting on January 12th, the JH Fellowship of Christian Athletes will begin meeting on Thursdays during lunch in the library for food, fellowship, and food for thought.
(2/2) The Activity Bus will pick up from BJSHS at the Sutton Center doors at 5:45 pm. Contact Shannon Bannister at 765-348-7554 for more information.
(1/2) Important changes have been made to the Montpelier Activity Bus schedule. Parents MUST call the Transportation Coordinator, Shannon Bannister, every Monday to sign up their students for the bus that week. If no one signs up, the bus will not run.
(2/2) Limited contact practices this week are Thursday from 7:30-9:15 pm and Saturday from 10-noon. These practices are for high school and junior high players.
(1/2) For those playing baseball this spring, a reminder that lifting takes place on Mon & Thurs mornings from 6:30-7:20 am, followed by a short throwing session, so bring your glove.
(2/2) Respond to one of the several emails he has sent lately, so he knows your intentions. Thanks!